First Baptist Church of Rochelle
PO Box 566 | 701 Gordon Street | Rochelle, GA 31079
(229) 365-7286
Women's Ministry

2023 Women's Conference

Theme: "The Battle is Not Yours, But God's"

Please join us on Saturday, August 5, 2023 at FBC of Rochelle for our 2023 Women's Conference. Our speaker this year is Christy Compton. The itinerary is as follows:

9:00 a.m. Registration and breakfast

10:00 a.m. Session One

11:30 a.m. Lunch

1:00 - 3:00 Session Two

To pre-register for the conference click on the link on the right side of the page and download the registration form. You can print it out and complete it and drop it by the church office Mon-Fri 10:00-3:00, mail to FBC of Rochelle P O Box 566 Rochelle GA 31079, or email it to

Our ongoing women's ministry consists of 2 WMU groups that meet at various times and for all ages.

There are also women's Bible studies that meet throughout the year.


Hazel Chapman Group

Meets at 7:00 p.m. on the 3rd Tuesday of every month.

Linda Tillery Group

Meets at 6:00 p.m. on the 4th Thursday of every month.

Helpful Information

Sibbie Terry

WMU Director

Date & Time

Saturday, August 5, 2023 @ 9:00 AM